Teksty do zaproszeń ślubnych po angielsku - Pieczątki Reklama Zaproszenia Ślubne Wizytówki

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Teksty do zaproszeń ślubnych po angielsku

Ślubne i dekoracyjne > Teksty > Do zaproszeń ślubnych



Joanna Kowalska and Roman Smith

Together through the world to go,
is more beautiful than alone.
And to make such a vow
gives our lives a glow

We would like to invite you to our wedding ceremony
where we are going to make this special vow to each other.

The ceremony is on 8th of September 2012 at 12:00
in St. Peter & Paul Church in Opole in Poland.

We also invite you to join our wedding
celebration afterwards at the Restaurant
„Zajazd Góralski Pod Niedźwiedziem“ in Dębska Kuźnia.

R.S.V.P before 10th August 2012


The Theatre of Lost Freedom

Mr & Mrs ........................................................................................
for a play entitled:
“And they lived happily ever after”
Adapted and based on a true story in 3 acts.

PREMIERE: 10.07.2012

the main cast:

The Bride: Cecylia Malinowska
The Bridegroom: Stephen John Dexter

Supporting roles:
Priest, witnesses, family, guests and gapers

Act I. “For the Soul”
Church Ceremony 10th July 2012, 13:00
at Church in Opole

Act II. “For the Body”
The wedding reception at Restaurant
“Salomon” at Opole.

Act III. “The Wedding Night”
Without an Audience

R.S.V.P. 10th June 2012


Peter & Sharon Smith

We would like to invite you to our wedding ceremony,
where we are going to make
this special vow to each other.
The ceremony is
on 16th of June 2007 at 14:00
in N.M.P. Church in Niewodniki in Poland.

We also invite you to join our wedding
celebration afterwards at the Palace Niewodniki.

R.S.V.P. before 30th April 2007

Małgorzata & Paweł


„Love is not just looking at each other,
it is looking in the same direction.“
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Joanna & Devin

and their families
request the pleasure of the company of
on their Wedding Day,
taking place at St. Nicholas's Church in Niewodniki, Poland
on Saturday the 16th of June, 2012, at 3:00 pm
and afterwards at Niewodniki Palace.

Accommodation will be provided.

Please R.S.V.P. Before the 15th of Mai, 2012:

biuro tel.      
729 776 774
77 44 25333

właściciel tel.   606 659 344
e-mail: dal@dal.opole.pl
Firma Usługowo-Handlowa DAL
mgr inż. Leszek Danielewicz
45-062 Opole, ul. Kościuszki 19/1A
NIP: 7541002936, Regon 530628946
mBank: 09 1140 2017 0000 4202 0318 2961
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